Thursday 2nd of July 2020
January 12th, 2021
The 5th CDT Conference, organised by the CDT in Energy Storage and Its Applications, will be held from 12-13th January 2021 at The University of Sheffield. The conference has been running since 2016 and is open to all researchers in the energy storage communities from the UK, EU and overseas.We welcome and encourage PGRs, early and senior academics and industrialists to discuss all technology classes, as well as demonstrators and deployment at grid/city scale, transportation, social acceptability and policy.Abstracts are invited for session topics including:
· Mechanical/Kinetic storage
· Transportation
· Built Environment
· Thermal/Chemical/Thermochemical storage
· Grid scale storage/Power Management & Control
· Electrochemical storage
· Social, Policy & Economics
· Energy Systems & Advanced Tools
· All other Energy Storage related topics.
Each session will have a keynote speaker, four oral presentations (of 15 minute duration) and time for poster ’flash’ sessions (5 minute brief precis of posters).
Proceedings for all oral presentations will be published in the open-access Energy Reports (a Science Direct indexed Elsevier publication) therefore the authors of all abstracts accepted for oral presentation will be asked to provide a fuller (6-page maximum) paper by 31st July.
For further information, to register, or to submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation, please go to the CDT-ESA website at http://www.energystorage-cdt.ac.uk/
Conference Venue – Pam Liversidge Building, Faculty of Engineering, Newcastle Street, University of Sheffield, Sheffield.
Conference Dates – Tuesday 12th & Wednesday 13th January 2021
Conference Secretariat – Tracey McNeilly, 0114 222 5798, [email protected]
Thursday 2nd of July 2020
Friday 2nd of October 2020
Current and future research challenges for sustainable energy generation, transmission, storage and utilisation span a range of disciplines.