Tuesday 15th of February 2022
Beyond batteries and pumped hydro for large-scale energy storage by Energy Futures Lab
Join Imperial's Professor Christos Markides and a panel of expert guests for a discussion on the future of energy storage
March 21st, 2022
A Masterclass on Life cycle assessment with Jacquetta Lee
Including training on how LCA methodology/principles can be applied/integrated within Energy Storage research
21st March, 2-5 pm (Online Zoom)
Registration: Places are limited, therefore if you are interested in attending please email Antzela Fivga, Manager of the Supergen Network+ via [email protected] to check your eligibility and register your interest.
Course details
This masterclass will introduce the concept of life cycle thinking (LCT), the fundamental building block underpinning sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), a tool for evaluating the environmental impact of products/services/systems. The process of undertaking a LCA will be explained, bringing to light common issues with its application at each the four stages; scope, inventory, impact assessment and interpretation. Finally, using case studies, the masterclass will touch on how LCA results can be critically interrogated to lead to better understanding of the product/service/system under investigation.
Dr Jacquetta Lee is a Mechanical/Materials engineer and holds a PhD in Environmental Systems Analysis from Cranfield University (1996). She has 30 years’ experience as practitioner in the field of resource efficiency and the wider remit of sustainability systems analysis. She has worked collaboratively with a number of industrial sectors including construction, transport, agriculture and electronics, addressing diverse issues such as sustainable supply chain management, product service system development, and how to embed sustainable design into long life products. She works closely with both industry and academia, integrating knowledge and expertise from both to ensure the latest academic thinking and practice remains relevant to the practicalities of industrial applications. She has published widely in top academic journals. Her current areas of research interest include the operationalisation of ‘absolute sustainability’, developing business relevant sustainability assessment, and managing uncertainty in decision making.
She founded and runs S2A Associates, a consultancy in Sustainable Systems Analysis and retains the post of Reader (Associate Professor) in Centre for Environment and Sustainability (CES) at the University of Surrey. Through S2A Associates Ltd she is responsible for assessing the sustainability of modern energy cooking services in Sub -Saharan Africa, as part of the MECS project, a £40M project funded by DfID.
Prior to joining CES at the University of Surrey in 2002, she worked for Rolls-Royce plc in their Environmental Strategy department, specialising in Life Cycle Analysis and Design for Environment. She is a judge for the Make-UK (formerly Engineering employers Federation, EEF) Sustainability awards, and held the post of Executive Secretary for the International Society for Industrial Ecology from 2016- 2018. She was shortlisted for the prestigious EDIE Sustainability Leaders Award in 2018.
Tuesday 15th of February 2022
Join Imperial's Professor Christos Markides and a panel of expert guests for a discussion on the future of energy storage
Thursday 17th of February 2022
The conference will be an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who are due to attend.