Friday 16th of April 2021
IEA ES Task 36 ‘Carnot Batteries’ – 3rd Expert Workshop
This workshop will be held online on Thursday, April 15 from 10:00 – 19:00 (CET) and on Friday, April 16, 2021, from 13:00 – 18:15 (CET).
June 24th, 2021
An interactive workshop organised by ECRs for ECRs to share Energy Storage research and frame key messages for COP26!
In the lead up to COP26, the Supergen Energy Storage Network+ will be involved in a range of engagement activities on the role of Energy Storage in achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in key applications.
Webinar topics focused on the role of energy storage research and innovation in achieving a net-zero future.
If you couldn’t make it or if you want to see the presentations again, you can view the recording below.
Workshop Agenda
9:30 Opening
________Session 1: Energy Storage Solutions towards Net-Zero
9:35 – 10:00 (Keynote) Yongliang Li – University of Birmingham, “Energy storage in the path of net zero – essential, desirable, or optional?”
10:00 – 10:15 Andreas Olympios – Imperial College London, “Prospects of grid-scale thermo-mechanical energy storage”
10:15 – 10:30 Wei He – University of Warwick, “Large-scale electrical energy storage towards a net-zero energy future”
10:30 – 10:45 Corentin Jankowiak – Ulster University, “Optimal control methods for battery energy storage systems at the domestic level in the context of electrification of heat and transport”
10:45 – 10:55 Coffee Break
_________Session 2 Materials for Energy Storage
10:55 – 11:10 Reshma R Rao – Imperial College London, “Rational design of Ni-based catalysts for electrochemical water oxidation”
11:10 – 11:25 Edward Brightman – University of Strathclyde, “Electrochemical Engineering for Energy Storage”
11:25 – 11:40 Heather Au – Imperial College London, “Free-standing carbon hosts for Li-S electrodes”
11:40 – 12:20 Workshop Introduction and Group Discussions (breakout rooms)
12:20 – 12:30 Summary of Group Discussions and Concluding Remarks
About COP26
The UK will be hosting the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 1 – 12 November 2021. The summit aims to bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The UK is committed to working with all countries and joining forces with civil society, companies and people on the frontline of climate change to inspire climate action ahead of COP26. More about COP26 here.
Friday 16th of April 2021
This workshop will be held online on Thursday, April 15 from 10:00 – 19:00 (CET) and on Friday, April 16, 2021, from 13:00 – 18:15 (CET).
Tuesday 8th of June 2021
Join us for the launch of our new White Paper exploring how Britain’s electricity system can be transformed to achieve net-zero emissions