EPSRC & Royal Academy of Engineering Postdoc Fellowships Workshop

May 26th, 2021

An ERA event in conjunction with the EPSRC and Royal Academy of Engineering

Event Overview

This event, part of the ERA ‘Net Zero Heroes Seminar Series’ provides an introduction to Postdoctoral Fellowships. It offers an opportunity for researchers to develop their independence, and provide an opportunity for early career researchers to obtain research funding in their own right.

This workshop will provide an overview of two of the major funders of Postdoctoral Fellowships in the UK, the EPSRC who hold a range of Research Fellowships, including in Energy, and the Royal Academy of Engineering who offers Research Fellowships each year to outstanding early-career researchers to support them to become future research leaders in engineering.

Who is it for?

This event is for PhD Students, Postdoctoral Researchers and Early Career Researchers. In addition, academics and professional services staff with an interest in Fellowships are also welcome to attend.


12.30pm to 2.00pm, Weds 26th May 2021

  • Introduction to the event – Fellowships overview (ERA Team)

  • EPSRC Fellowships overview

  • Royal Academy of Engineering

  • Hints and tips for fellowship applications – (ERA Team)

  • Panel Q&A session

Please register here.

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