Monday 28th of June 2021
July 1st, 2021
The IOR Beyond Refrigeration initiative provides a template for steps for businesses to take towards Net Zero and is now published. We invite comment and discussion on how we can pursue these tasks together. Download the Beyond Refrigeration Template here.
All members are invited to join our Working Groups to explore the themes in more depth in a series of Zoom meetings and smaller break out sessions where we will look at how we can prepare or signpost tools and guidance end users will require to make progress towards a net-zero 2050.
Register to join the Working Groups and take part in future zoom meetings here
Find out more at www.ior.org.uk/beyondrefrigeration
The breakout discussion this time will be themed around these topics covering all or some of the eight themes from the template:
Developing Good Practice Guidance Notes – eg on Maintenance for Efficiency, Skills, Working across functions, Systems settings and set points. What topics should be addressed and who has the information to include?
Communications campaign messaging – agree on priority sectors and relevant messaging/issues and consider how to communicate externally with NGOs or schools
Setting up Databases of existing Case studies, Benchmarking, Resources and Tools – what should be included and how it could be made easily accessible
Topics for Technology Briefs – prioritising topics to link to 8 themes, principles of independent evaluation, identifying experts
Drafting a Policy Paper to influence legislators/incentives/skills/energy suppliers – decide who target audience are, which legislative areas are most relevant, consider policy options
Setting up an Umbrella group for organisations / stakeholders to work together – who and how
CPD training on efficiency – key topics, target groups and mechanisms for delivery
Monday 28th of June 2021
Tuesday 29th of June 2021
The PBCC is a free tool that shows the carbon footprint of every neighbourhood in England.