Solar Energy Materials, Fuels & Conversion

April 28th, 2021

Joint UK Solar Fuels Network-SuperSolar Early Career Researcher Meeting

Free webinar, 28th April 2021, 9.30 –13.15 BST

Webinar overview: To achieve the true potential of solar energy as we move towards Net-Zero, researchers working towards the solar-driven conversion of abundant resources into renewable fuels are working ever more closely with those addressing the formulation, characterisation and development of photovoltaic cell materials and architectures. This free web symposium seeks to stimulate synergies between Early Career Researchers within the fields of solar energy materials development, solar energy conversion and solar fuels synthesis to build collaborations required to meet existing and future technical challenges.

Event co-chairs: Dr Anna Hankin (Imperial College London), Dr Ludmilla Steier (Imperial College London)

We are very happy to announce the following invited speakers:

  • Dr Jon Major, University of Liverpool

  • Dr Qian Wang, University of Cambridge

Invited Keynote speakers will set the scene through describing their cross-cutting work; however, the focus of this web meeting will be on giving Early Career Researchers the opportunity to share their exciting developments. Please register here.

Abstract submission: Early Career Researchers are invited to submit abstracts for oral presentations (of 15 minutes duration). The template for abstracts can be found here and should be emailed to [email protected]
Deadline for abstract submission 31st March.

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