Tuesday 29th of June 2021
CREDS – Place-Based Carbon Calculator (PBCC) launch
The PBCC is a free tool that shows the carbon footprint of every neighbourhood in England.
July 6th, 2021
Strategic directions for decarbonising heat in the UK: An Energy System Architecture perspective
For the past three years, the CREDS Decarbonisation of heat team have explored different options for decarbonising heat through available evidence and the concept of energy system architecture (Scamman et al. 2020, Chiu & Lowe, 2019, Lowe & Chiu, 2020, Lowe et al., 2020). The Team has used two models, UKTM and ESTIMO, to investigate the landscape of energy infrastructure options, energy mix at least cost, evolvability and resilience to shocks. We have also systematically considered the implications of choices of technologies and potential trade-offs with policymakers and energy system stakeholders.
This Webinar aims not only to share our research insights with you, but to stimulate new conversations that may change the strategic direction of future energy policy, investment and deployment and research. We sincerely hope you will be part of these conversation.
10:30 Introductions and strategic setting
10:35 Presentations from Work Packages:
Expert views on decarbonising UK heat
Insights from UKTM on solution-sensitivity and evolvability of options for heat
Insights from ESTIMO on cost & storage impacts of options for heat
11:30 Q&A and discussion
11.45 New perspectives for strategic decision-making: the way forward
12.00 Close
Published Papers
Chiu & Lowe, 2019, Ecology of heat pump performance: A socio-technical analysis, in Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Littlewood J., Howlett R., Capozzoli A., Jain L. (eds). pp 711-721, KES Smart Innovation systems and Technologies series, vol 163. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-32-9868-2_60.
Lowe & Chiu, 2020, Innovation in deep housing retrofit in the United Kingdom: The role of situated creativity in transforming practice, Energy Research & Social Science, 63 101391. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2019.101391 and https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10088058/ .
Lowe et al., 2020, Lost generation: system resilience and flexibility, Keynote Paper ID APEN-MIT-2020_187, Applied Energy Symposium: MIT A+B. August, 2020, Cambridge, USA. http://www.energy-proceedings.org/lost-generation-system-resilience-and-flexibility/ and https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10097443/ .
Scamman et al., 2020, Heat decarbonisation modelling approaches in the UK: an Energy System Architecture perspective, Energies, 13 (8) 1869. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13081869
Tuesday 29th of June 2021
The PBCC is a free tool that shows the carbon footprint of every neighbourhood in England.
Thursday 1st of July 2021
The IOR Beyond Refrigeration initiative provides a template for steps for businesses to take towards Net Zero and is now published.