Climate finance briefing by COP26 Universities

Climate finance is essential to tackle climate change in a rapid and just manner.

Key messages
• Sustainable, resilient and inclusive climate finance cannot be effectively achieved without clear and
consistent policies and regulation.
• Both public and private climate finance must be accelerated to fill the gap between current
investment and that required to achieve a swift transition to net zero in line with the Paris Agreement.
• Realigning global capital through a mainstreaming of climate and sustainability into all financing
operations is urgently needed. Private sector action, currently driven by transition risk, requires effective
policy frameworks for pricing of externalities and reporting on performance.
• A global goal for adaptation is required to drive the mobilisation of greater amounts of capital.
Tracking the impact of adaptation interventions and emphasising their multiple benefits are key to
upscaling adaptation finance.
• Addressing loss and damage plays a critical role in building trust between parties, but negotiators
must better recognise the challenges associated with liability concerns.
• Increasing the effectiveness of, and access to, funding requires greater country and local ownership
of climate and development finance.
• The Green Climate Fund should be re-engineered to leverage more finance from contributor
countries, encourage private sector engagement and provide better direct access to the most
vulnerable countries.

You can read how finance can be mobilised – and how it can be deployed effectively to address local needs here.

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