What might energy systems look like in a net zero world?
Fishbowl conversation: What might energy systems look like in a net zero world?
Ramshorn Theatre, Glasgow 4 November, 1.30-3pm
Apply to be part of a live event in Glasgow at COP26!
In the afternoon of the 4th of November (Energy Day) during COP26, the UK Research and Innovation Supergen programme will be holding a public engagement event at the Ramshorn Theatre, central Glasgow. The ‘fishbowl’ conversation will see members of the public from different backgrounds discuss and debate their visions for a net zero energy future, with academic support from Supergen researchers, and the event will be live-streamed to those who cannot make it in-person (tickets available here: https://bit.ly/3a4AwMj).
We are seeking participants who will be in Glasgow during the 4th of November and are interested in taking part in the discussion at the Ramshorn Theatre, between 13:00-14:30 GMT. In order to ensure we obtain a diverse selection of the public for debate, we will be reviewing and selecting from those who register an interest via this form: https://forms.gle/hXTDQYa2dYuAeFfL7
The debate will be structured around the themes below:
Chapter 1: How do we generate our energy in a net zero world?
Chapter 2: How do we deliver that net zero energy to the public?
Chapter 3: How do we utilise that net zero energy?
Chapter 4: What steps should the UK be taking to make our energy system net zero by 2050?
Prior to the debate, participants will receive a briefing with related information on energy systems from Supergen.
Please note that we will not be funding travel or accommodation costs, therefore please only register interest if you are already planning to be in Glasgow during the 4th of November or are located nearby.
If you have any queries or would like to know more before applying, please email Dan Taylor, COP26 Engagement Manager ([email protected]).